WOW... we have actually finished our bollywood trailer... well we have had many highs and low... actually alot of lows but we all came together at the end to produce a really good bollywood trailer, which actually looks like one.
We had started of all confused not really knowing where to go with our idea and our later on we actually started filming! with countless issues over when to film and what to film of course.
Then we realised we never really made a storyboard for our trailer, which we should have really done in the planning process, but still we actually got a narrative out our footage, which really does make sense!
Anyway aswell as the countless problems we also all had a great time with the it, with some memorable moments and a great few months.
Well...yesterday we finally finished all the editing.. right after Kiran and Neeelema decided to return from their little trip... it was a HUGE relief !
So after all the stress this production caused us all, we finally got a good result and hopefully it will be worth the grade!
Thursday, 26 April 2007
Final Report !
Saturday, 21 April 2007
PrOgReSs RePoRt!!
well we have almost finished our trailer, its our last week of editing and we just got to add the finishing touches YH!!
mr bush and mr munro had a look at it and they are pleased with the work which is really good to hear as we needed those positive comments and critism to help us make our trailer the best. mr bush gave us a whole bunch of advice and tips to work on for our trailer and we got on that as soon as possible. he aslo mentioned we had to change the title of our name becasue it was too common.
woah! me and baldip had i first disagreement it wasn't serious though and she won :( lol but it was about having our titles in capitals or not, i wanted them to be in capitals but she didn't. it was funny has we had to call other media students to help us decide (thanks neema) lol!
well we have almost finished our trailer, its our last week of editing and we just got to add the finishing touches YH!!
mr bush and mr munro had a look at it and they are pleased with the work which is really good to hear as we needed those positive comments and critism to help us make our trailer the best. mr bush gave us a whole bunch of advice and tips to work on for our trailer and we got on that as soon as possible. he aslo mentioned we had to change the title of our name becasue it was too common.
woah! me and baldip had i first disagreement it wasn't serious though and she won :( lol but it was about having our titles in capitals or not, i wanted them to be in capitals but she didn't. it was funny has we had to call other media students to help us decide (thanks neema) lol!
Monday, 16 April 2007
jUSt ThouGHt I'D lET u No WE cHaNgeD ouR inSitUtION sHOUld avE wRoRE THis eaRlIER LOL!! WeLl WE cHAngED iT fRom T-seRIes TO YAsh RAj CaUz THey Are Much bEttER, WeLl HErE is SomE REsEArCH oN yaSH raJ>>>>>>>>

jUSt ThouGHt I'D lET u No WE cHaNgeD ouR inSitUtION sHOUld avE wRoRE THis eaRlIER LOL!! WeLl WE cHAngED iT fRom T-seRIes TO YAsh RAj CaUz THey Are Much bEttER, WeLl HErE is SomE REsEArCH oN yaSH raJ>>>>>>>>

- Yash Raj Films (YRF) is a company setup by Yash Chopra, an Indian film director and producer.
- He set up his own company in the year 1970
- This production company have churned out some of the biggest hits in the industry. In 2004 they had three consecutive hits and 2005 has been a pleasing year as they had two box office hits.
- Yash Raj Films has also launched its own music label called Yash Raj Music and produces DVDs, Videos and VCDs under the Yash Raj Films Home Entertainment label
- examples of films yash raj has produced are HUM TUM, Dhoom (2004), Veer-Zaara (2004) Bunty Aur Babli and Salaam Namaste in 2005.
- Movies by Yash Raj Films usually contain a starcast that includes some of the most well-known Indian actors and actresses.
- Though Yash Chopra has done films of various sorts, it is when he is tackling love and its various elements that he has been at his best. His picturesque, poetic images often shot in Switzerland with melodious music (He has perhaps the best musical sense of all filmmakers in the Hindi Film Industry today) are charged with rich feeling, and in spite of all the gloss on screen, his films are more about life than lifestyle.
Sunday, 15 April 2007 is coming to an end!!!
hey...have not been on this for a while so i thought i would put up some things on what we have done so far and how things have been going as we come to an end of the production...
As Anjali mentioned we had to do some re-shoots of naziya as we did not have enough footage, so me, Baldip and her sister went out after school on a nice sunny day to capture some footage of naziya...she was great we got some really cool close up of her crying which sounds so evil but hey we needed it...She was so good at one point i actually stopped fliming because i thought she was actually crying and then 2mins later she starts laughin well thats Naziya for you!! Finally, we were getting places...Personally, on some days editing was sooo annoying and i was gettin really pissed off because i could tell that this was not going any where, but thats just me i was getting really worked up and angry but then thanks to ramneet i decided to sop thinking negative and looking at the bad things because that was getting us no where and so finally i came in during easter and captured all the new footage and started adding bits to the trailer...Also, Baldip got the institution so i captured that and put that on to the sequence...
During easter i was glad that i came in also anj came in too...The trailer is looking good and i have added the music now all that needs doing is the titles and the end credits but i have left that so all the group can be there for final decision making...On the last day of editing i had enough and once anjali came in during the afternoon i was out of there because now i have really had enough of this trailer just wana get it over and done with. Overall, even though its been stressful, annoying and taking up most of my time blah blah blah...its been fun whilst flimin and editing and i hope we all get good grades and we all deserve a big treat which hopefully Mr Munro will buy us all something...i doubt it he will prob just give us one of his looks and the whole 'its for your own benefit' speech hehehe!!!!
As Anjali mentioned we had to do some re-shoots of naziya as we did not have enough footage, so me, Baldip and her sister went out after school on a nice sunny day to capture some footage of naziya...she was great we got some really cool close up of her crying which sounds so evil but hey we needed it...She was so good at one point i actually stopped fliming because i thought she was actually crying and then 2mins later she starts laughin well thats Naziya for you!! Finally, we were getting places...Personally, on some days editing was sooo annoying and i was gettin really pissed off because i could tell that this was not going any where, but thats just me i was getting really worked up and angry but then thanks to ramneet i decided to sop thinking negative and looking at the bad things because that was getting us no where and so finally i came in during easter and captured all the new footage and started adding bits to the trailer...Also, Baldip got the institution so i captured that and put that on to the sequence...
During easter i was glad that i came in also anj came in too...The trailer is looking good and i have added the music now all that needs doing is the titles and the end credits but i have left that so all the group can be there for final decision making...On the last day of editing i had enough and once anjali came in during the afternoon i was out of there because now i have really had enough of this trailer just wana get it over and done with. Overall, even though its been stressful, annoying and taking up most of my time blah blah blah...its been fun whilst flimin and editing and i hope we all get good grades and we all deserve a big treat which hopefully Mr Munro will buy us all something...i doubt it he will prob just give us one of his looks and the whole 'its for your own benefit' speech hehehe!!!!
Monday, 9 April 2007
Hi GuYs!!!
I know we Haven’t WRitTEn On Da bLOg In AgeS! We JuST been So BuSY!
So DA last TyM we WrOtE On ThE bLOg We JuST FinIsHed CaPtuRInG, well noW we HaVE aLmoSTed FiniSheD EdiTINg JuST gOT 2 ADD thE FiNIshINg TouCHeS YH!! AnD I Got 2 sAy IT looks GoOD! I’m ImpREsSEd & I’M glad that PeOPLe Who We ShOwED ouR work 2 reAlLY Liked It! :)
We did HaVE SoME UpS & DowNS WheN editing like:
- SoMEtIMes it JusT really STReSsFUL (CaUse SOMeTImeS u Just aIn’t MotiVAted) EspeCIalLY fOR nEelEMA buT thanks 2 DA media MenTOr RAManEET Who GaVE Us Help ON daT daY & helped NeElema Put A POsITIVe View on Da Work, & I MeMba daT daY So WeLl CauSE I goT a HugE lump OF Gum StuCK 2 my JeAnS!! LOL :)
- I’M sure EverY group Had this PrOBleM, nOT EnouGH footage! WeLl We NevEr HaD enough FoOTagE & We HaD 2 Fix UP & solve this problem WhiCH ReaLly HarD cause ouR LeaD actress KepT cancelling ON us buT eventually (BetTer late then never lol) WE Got IT done I WASn’T there but from thE footage They ShoWED ME after I waS really proud Of thE group. TheREs This SceNe WheRe NaZI IS ACTUALLY crying SweAR down! Its AmAzinG (NOT that’s Shes CryINg CausE shE was ThinkiNG saD things But hoW wEL She CrYed.)
- SomEtIMes we HarDLy Got anY editing done cause group MeMbeRS (YeS me AT least I TurNed up 2 EDitINg) just Wasn’t MoTIvATed TO Any WorK or WouLd MesS around WiTH other GrouPS & I felt I dIdN’t Give 100% To Da Work (not all the time though.) WhiCh IS Good Nil choose to edit In po6 CausE no other GroUPs Was TherE even THOUgh AT times I thought That WAS mean iT wAs For Our Own BEneFIT.
- There Was TimES When AdobE waS such a PaiN! & u Got 2 geT thE hang OF It But One ThinG which DrovE me Mad Was WhEN You Want 2 Put TITleS in Your trailer thE whole BusinEs OF Font changing, sizing And MoviNG The titles Round, thE CoLOur Of The FonT. And things WhiCH have tOoK like 2 mINs ToOk Like 15 miNUteS. Arrrr!
- OH YH We AlWAys goT home late (Tut tuT) My Mum HaTEd IT sHe NevER BeliEvED I waS eDIting She Was AlwaYS LikE ANJ WhERe Was You? What waS yoU doing? I bET You Was WitH BoyS LOL ( A million questions or what )
- Ok some good PoinTS EdiTinG waS kiNDa Fun U Know. We Had bare jokes. Like WhEN WE ToOK PicTUres on The LapTop CamERa Lol.
- Oh & iS It ME But I WaS always HunGRy When EdItiNg Lol
- You Know tHE FeeLInG when yoU have ComPLetED something Like A scene Or ADDed Music thTAts GoOd CauSE yOU think WOAH finally That looks GoOd!
- I EnjoYEd WoRkiNG On The LaPtOPS CaUSe I feel sorry fOr The PeOPlE In The EditINg RoOM cause IT Was A small space WhiCH smelt when TheRe Was a lot OF people.
AnYwaYz I’M gOnNA Stop writing CaUSE when I start TaLKiNG I dOn’T stop & prison BREak Is ON ( ITS ALL BOUT Wentworth MillER) LOL WiLL KeEP yoU posted!
X x x x x x x
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