Thursday, 8 March 2007

What's new?
Well...We have captured all our footage onto the laptop, so now we can begin to edit our footage! That is it really...Just thought ill write another entry cos everyone else did...P.S Hammad has now redeemed himself to get his picture put back onto the blog. However, he is going to have to work extra hard to get the title of his picture changed :

Wednesday, 7 March 2007

PrOgrESs rEpORt !!!

Oh Ma DaYz i Am WElL tiRed fRom aLl tHIs eDiTinG buT ItS gOtTa Be doNE!
anD IM BeHInd on MA oTHer WorK i GotTa OrgANIse My sElf.

BUt U knoW whAt I actUallY enJOY eDITinG lOL WEiRdlY ITs Fun aND WheN you eDIT TIMe GoES WEll QuICk! But whEN YOu FinISh EDitINg A Shot you feEL A SEnSe Of acHIevEmeNT AnD SomEthING u'RE PRoud OFF.

U WiLL nEvER GuEss WHat HaPPenEd YH I juST fINIsHEd OFF eDitINg THis scENE wHerE hAsS HAss IS in DA CAr & deN thE a MeSSSagE cAme UP saYING AN errOR hAD oCCurED ANd It nEeDs to shUT dOWN WE WIll Try & SAve yoUR wORk IT lIEd THOugH I waS gONNa Cry! SWR DWN! :((

OoO GooD NeWs !! weLL thANx 2 zeB zeb WHO NoTIced a boLlYWood teAChER TeAChiNG boLLyWOOd DAnce 2 sOMe STUdents & we HOPe THey Will DAncE in oUR TRailer She GAve US HEr BUsinESS Card & i'm GONNa Talk 2 MS joYCE boUT IT will KEEP yoU POSTED!

bY THe WAy THE mEDIA MEntORS ARe A biG help And REAllY good aDviCE itS good to TAlk TO somEonE With EXperenCE.


progress so far

we have started editing now- yes we have been waking up early and staying at school till late but it will be worth it...when were editing we got some good feedback from the mentors and ideas which helped us alot so thanks to them. Also, we have nearly finished getting all our footage onto the computer so far its going well just need to learn how to attach all the wires properly as pav keeps shouting at us when we do it wrong!!!

Sunday, 4 March 2007


well we all got our editing passes and our demo of how to use the editing software but some how we still couldn't figure out how to capture our footage on the camera lol! oh well the more practise we get the better we'll be.

i want to do a reshot of naziya in the park in a different colour sari and using different shots, i have some ideas in mind just got to persuade the rest of my group lol wish me luck!

I've also been listening out for any music tracks to go over our trailer so if you guys got any ideas do tell!