Thursday, 21 June 2007
our production is a trailer and about a girl (naziya) who is best friends with hammad and falls for womaniser, Hassan. in the end she realises hammad was the one for her. the trailer does not give too much of the film away as it creates enigmas which will encourage the audience to watch the film.
filming was fun because we got to experiment with different angles and shots. it was also fun because we could enjoy ourselves at the same time.
the editing process was interesting because it was the first time we edited. once we got the hang of it it was much easier and quicker to do.
overall, it was enjoyable making this production because we worked together well as a group, which is important.
Naziya was wearing her jeans under her sari!
i wonder where naziya got dressed into her sari????
- We forget to put the tape in when recording & the battery was never charged derrr!
- the car scene with hassan was funny
- it tooks hours to sort the music out
- harpuneet was in our group but she did anything so she got kicked out of group HA HA
- Hammad and hassan had a fighting scene which they tried to look serious but it didn't
AnJaLI x x x
Wednesday, 20 June 2007
well our practical productions done it was hard work.
basically its about a girl ( naziya) our female prtagonist character who falls for hassan a 'player' in the mean time her best friend hammad is falling in love with her. the trailers purpose is too inform the audience of a new film and of a basic narrative, this trailer does not give too much off the narrative away yet still creates engimas which will keep the audience guessing to know more about the film and will want to watch the film. so the trailer does fulfil its purpose.
at first editing was hard to get the hang off but eventually we worked at it and became well good at it.
well the whole editing process took ages because at first we never had a storyboard but once we made one it was all good, and it helps.
filming was also something you had to get the hang off. i wasnt very good at filming. i think both editing and filming was time consuming and we could have prepared better.
overall it was really fun working in a group off fun people. we all worked together to produce an amazing production which we are proud off.
AnJaLi x x x
Production Review
'Kabhi Socha Na Tha' is a Bollywood trailer which we have produced. It is of a particular genre which is associated with Bollywood films and is a romance- a love triangle. Naziya who plays our heroin is torn between her best friend Hammad and a boy she falls in love with who is played by Hassan-in his flash car!!! The trailer raises many enigmas and fulfills its purpose to persuade an audience to go and watch the film.
Above was a quick summary of the storyline and purpose of the trailer, however now I will include some interesting facts about the trailer:
- During the scene with Naziya dancing her sari was getting really dirty and poor girl was really getting worried. As a solution we thought of taking it to the dry cleaner before her mum finds out. The best thing was that Anjali was recording Kiran messing about whilst Naziya was getting slightly annoyed!!!!
- For the high angle shot I know we shouldn't have but we lifted up the whole tripod on top of our heads and captured the shot-thank god the camera didn't fall.
- The most funniest thing which we did or should i say didn't. It was our first day of filming so we had everything ready to go when we noticed the camera was not recording we thought it was the battery so we called Zainab and asked her to bring her battery all the ways from her house- and it was very early poor girl. Well we also found out whilst me and Anjali went to get some drinks that the tape was not even in the camera whoooopss!!!
- One other thing when everyone was well in to editing stages we were still filming. We told Mr Bush about 2mins later we had Mr Munro on our case. So at that stage they were thinking 'These girls are not going to pull it off' As always we did and they were impressed which they should be after having no faith in us!!!!!
Well thats it I will let the others tell you some more stories. I hope everyone liked our trailer and thank you to Naziya, Hassan and Hammad. Even though there were times when the trailer was not looking good, I enjoyed making it with my group.
Thursday, 26 April 2007
Final Report !
WOW... we have actually finished our bollywood trailer... well we have had many highs and low... actually alot of lows but we all came together at the end to produce a really good bollywood trailer, which actually looks like one.
We had started of all confused not really knowing where to go with our idea and our later on we actually started filming! with countless issues over when to film and what to film of course.
Then we realised we never really made a storyboard for our trailer, which we should have really done in the planning process, but still we actually got a narrative out our footage, which really does make sense!
Anyway aswell as the countless problems we also all had a great time with the it, with some memorable moments and a great few months.
Well...yesterday we finally finished all the editing.. right after Kiran and Neeelema decided to return from their little trip... it was a HUGE relief !
So after all the stress this production caused us all, we finally got a good result and hopefully it will be worth the grade!
Saturday, 21 April 2007
well we have almost finished our trailer, its our last week of editing and we just got to add the finishing touches YH!!
mr bush and mr munro had a look at it and they are pleased with the work which is really good to hear as we needed those positive comments and critism to help us make our trailer the best. mr bush gave us a whole bunch of advice and tips to work on for our trailer and we got on that as soon as possible. he aslo mentioned we had to change the title of our name becasue it was too common.
woah! me and baldip had i first disagreement it wasn't serious though and she won :( lol but it was about having our titles in capitals or not, i wanted them to be in capitals but she didn't. it was funny has we had to call other media students to help us decide (thanks neema) lol!
Monday, 16 April 2007
jUSt ThouGHt I'D lET u No WE cHaNgeD ouR inSitUtION sHOUld avE wRoRE THis eaRlIER LOL!! WeLl WE cHAngED iT fRom T-seRIes TO YAsh RAj CaUz THey Are Much bEttER, WeLl HErE is SomE REsEArCH oN yaSH raJ>>>>>>>>

- Yash Raj Films (YRF) is a company setup by Yash Chopra, an Indian film director and producer.
- He set up his own company in the year 1970
- This production company have churned out some of the biggest hits in the industry. In 2004 they had three consecutive hits and 2005 has been a pleasing year as they had two box office hits.
- Yash Raj Films has also launched its own music label called Yash Raj Music and produces DVDs, Videos and VCDs under the Yash Raj Films Home Entertainment label
- examples of films yash raj has produced are HUM TUM, Dhoom (2004), Veer-Zaara (2004) Bunty Aur Babli and Salaam Namaste in 2005.
- Movies by Yash Raj Films usually contain a starcast that includes some of the most well-known Indian actors and actresses.
- Though Yash Chopra has done films of various sorts, it is when he is tackling love and its various elements that he has been at his best. His picturesque, poetic images often shot in Switzerland with melodious music (He has perhaps the best musical sense of all filmmakers in the Hindi Film Industry today) are charged with rich feeling, and in spite of all the gloss on screen, his films are more about life than lifestyle.
Sunday, 15 April 2007 is coming to an end!!!
As Anjali mentioned we had to do some re-shoots of naziya as we did not have enough footage, so me, Baldip and her sister went out after school on a nice sunny day to capture some footage of naziya...she was great we got some really cool close up of her crying which sounds so evil but hey we needed it...She was so good at one point i actually stopped fliming because i thought she was actually crying and then 2mins later she starts laughin well thats Naziya for you!! Finally, we were getting places...Personally, on some days editing was sooo annoying and i was gettin really pissed off because i could tell that this was not going any where, but thats just me i was getting really worked up and angry but then thanks to ramneet i decided to sop thinking negative and looking at the bad things because that was getting us no where and so finally i came in during easter and captured all the new footage and started adding bits to the trailer...Also, Baldip got the institution so i captured that and put that on to the sequence...
During easter i was glad that i came in also anj came in too...The trailer is looking good and i have added the music now all that needs doing is the titles and the end credits but i have left that so all the group can be there for final decision making...On the last day of editing i had enough and once anjali came in during the afternoon i was out of there because now i have really had enough of this trailer just wana get it over and done with. Overall, even though its been stressful, annoying and taking up most of my time blah blah blah...its been fun whilst flimin and editing and i hope we all get good grades and we all deserve a big treat which hopefully Mr Munro will buy us all something...i doubt it he will prob just give us one of his looks and the whole 'its for your own benefit' speech hehehe!!!!
Monday, 9 April 2007
Hi GuYs!!!
I know we Haven’t WRitTEn On Da bLOg In AgeS! We JuST been So BuSY!
So DA last TyM we WrOtE On ThE bLOg We JuST FinIsHed CaPtuRInG, well noW we HaVE aLmoSTed FiniSheD EdiTINg JuST gOT 2 ADD thE FiNIshINg TouCHeS YH!! AnD I Got 2 sAy IT looks GoOD! I’m ImpREsSEd & I’M glad that PeOPLe Who We ShOwED ouR work 2 reAlLY Liked It! :)
We did HaVE SoME UpS & DowNS WheN editing like:
- SoMEtIMes it JusT really STReSsFUL (CaUse SOMeTImeS u Just aIn’t MotiVAted) EspeCIalLY fOR nEelEMA buT thanks 2 DA media MenTOr RAManEET Who GaVE Us Help ON daT daY & helped NeElema Put A POsITIVe View on Da Work, & I MeMba daT daY So WeLl CauSE I goT a HugE lump OF Gum StuCK 2 my JeAnS!! LOL :)
- I’M sure EverY group Had this PrOBleM, nOT EnouGH footage! WeLl We NevEr HaD enough FoOTagE & We HaD 2 Fix UP & solve this problem WhiCH ReaLly HarD cause ouR LeaD actress KepT cancelling ON us buT eventually (BetTer late then never lol) WE Got IT done I WASn’T there but from thE footage They ShoWED ME after I waS really proud Of thE group. TheREs This SceNe WheRe NaZI IS ACTUALLY crying SweAR down! Its AmAzinG (NOT that’s Shes CryINg CausE shE was ThinkiNG saD things But hoW wEL She CrYed.)
- SomEtIMes we HarDLy Got anY editing done cause group MeMbeRS (YeS me AT least I TurNed up 2 EDitINg) just Wasn’t MoTIvATed TO Any WorK or WouLd MesS around WiTH other GrouPS & I felt I dIdN’t Give 100% To Da Work (not all the time though.) WhiCh IS Good Nil choose to edit In po6 CausE no other GroUPs Was TherE even THOUgh AT times I thought That WAS mean iT wAs For Our Own BEneFIT.
- There Was TimES When AdobE waS such a PaiN! & u Got 2 geT thE hang OF It But One ThinG which DrovE me Mad Was WhEN You Want 2 Put TITleS in Your trailer thE whole BusinEs OF Font changing, sizing And MoviNG The titles Round, thE CoLOur Of The FonT. And things WhiCH have tOoK like 2 mINs ToOk Like 15 miNUteS. Arrrr!
- OH YH We AlWAys goT home late (Tut tuT) My Mum HaTEd IT sHe NevER BeliEvED I waS eDIting She Was AlwaYS LikE ANJ WhERe Was You? What waS yoU doing? I bET You Was WitH BoyS LOL ( A million questions or what )
- Ok some good PoinTS EdiTinG waS kiNDa Fun U Know. We Had bare jokes. Like WhEN WE ToOK PicTUres on The LapTop CamERa Lol.
- Oh & iS It ME But I WaS always HunGRy When EdItiNg Lol
- You Know tHE FeeLInG when yoU have ComPLetED something Like A scene Or ADDed Music thTAts GoOd CauSE yOU think WOAH finally That looks GoOd!
- I EnjoYEd WoRkiNG On The LaPtOPS CaUSe I feel sorry fOr The PeOPlE In The EditINg RoOM cause IT Was A small space WhiCH smelt when TheRe Was a lot OF people.
AnYwaYz I’M gOnNA Stop writing CaUSE when I start TaLKiNG I dOn’T stop & prison BREak Is ON ( ITS ALL BOUT Wentworth MillER) LOL WiLL KeEP yoU posted!
X x x x x x x
Thursday, 8 March 2007
What's new?
Well...We have captured all our footage onto the laptop, so now we can begin to edit our footage! That is it really...Just thought ill write another entry cos everyone else did...P.S Hammad has now redeemed himself to get his picture put back onto the blog. However, he is going to have to work extra hard to get the title of his picture changed :
Wednesday, 7 March 2007
Oh Ma DaYz i Am WElL tiRed fRom aLl tHIs eDiTinG buT ItS gOtTa Be doNE!
anD IM BeHInd on MA oTHer WorK i GotTa OrgANIse My sElf.
BUt U knoW whAt I actUallY enJOY eDITinG lOL WEiRdlY ITs Fun aND WheN you eDIT TIMe GoES WEll QuICk! But whEN YOu FinISh EDitINg A Shot you feEL A SEnSe Of acHIevEmeNT AnD SomEthING u'RE PRoud OFF.
U WiLL nEvER GuEss WHat HaPPenEd YH I juST fINIsHEd OFF eDitINg THis scENE wHerE hAsS HAss IS in DA CAr & deN thE a MeSSSagE cAme UP saYING AN errOR hAD oCCurED ANd It nEeDs to shUT dOWN WE WIll Try & SAve yoUR wORk IT lIEd THOugH I waS gONNa Cry! SWR DWN! :((
OoO GooD NeWs !! weLL thANx 2 zeB zeb WHO NoTIced a boLlYWood teAChER TeAChiNG boLLyWOOd DAnce 2 sOMe STUdents & we HOPe THey Will DAncE in oUR TRailer She GAve US HEr BUsinESS Card & i'm GONNa Talk 2 MS joYCE boUT IT will KEEP yoU POSTED!
bY THe WAy THE mEDIA MEntORS ARe A biG help And REAllY good aDviCE itS good to TAlk TO somEonE With EXperenCE.
progress so far
Sunday, 4 March 2007
well we all got our editing passes and our demo of how to use the editing software but some how we still couldn't figure out how to capture our footage on the camera lol! oh well the more practise we get the better we'll be.
i want to do a reshot of naziya in the park in a different colour sari and using different shots, i have some ideas in mind just got to persuade the rest of my group lol wish me luck!
I've also been listening out for any music tracks to go over our trailer so if you guys got any ideas do tell!
Monday, 26 February 2007
Positive feedback:
-The park looked like a good environment as the sun was out aswell.
-Fits into the conventions of a bollywood trailer
Negative feedback:
-Not to zoom in and out so dramatically
-Get more of a variety of scenes
-Better/more scenes to shoot
-Have mis-en-scene in mind e.g. Hassan driving on the street
What we are going to work on:
-Better lighting
-More scenery/different places to shoot
-More close up shots - to focus on facial expressions
Baldip & Kiran
Friday, 23 February 2007
...What we have so far...
Well, we finally got our cast together, and got some great filming done in Ealing. Having mise-en-scene in mind we got some great shots with a range of angles.
ALSO we got some typical bollywood 'action' filmed with our two hero's having a little punch up... when it snowed we got got Hammad to have a thinking moment or two... And we had our vilian criusing in his car!
Thursday, 15 February 2007
Blog Comments
What do you particularly like about it? What's especially impressive?
What could be improved? What's missing or could be added?
2. Based on what you've read on the blog (and maybe seen in test screenings in class) what suggestions do you have regarding what we could do to make our Practical Production really successful?
What other things could we include in the production?
How should we go about filming any remaining scenes or editing the footage during post-production (+ suggestions for music, etc.)?
Monday, 5 February 2007
Harpuneet's analysis homework!
This trailer is from the film Humko Tum Se Pyaar Hai. It is similar to ours because there is one girl involved and two men. The conventions in this trailer will be adapted in to ours in the sense that there are many close ups involved. By showing close ups of the characters, the emotions of them are emphasised therfore giving our trailer a more emotional approach to the audience. (clip 2)
In this trailer, the conventions of bollywood dancing and singing incorporates which are the factors of a normal and successful bollywood trailer and movie. The way in which the two are dancing and singing has influenced us to also include this in our trailer. As we are still sticking to how we want to keep the movie name and storyline as a suspense, a trailer like this will be appropriate for this decision.
Sunday, 4 February 2007

This is a very recently released extravagent film, it is running very successfully and is particularly unique as it features six couples. The trailer consists of several scenes, involving dance and romance, music is also played throughout the entire trailer- which has a dramatic effect, it adds the energy to the trailer.
The trailer involves high angle shots and fast paced cuts in rythem of the music aswell as disolves into the text. The texts tend to be simple, informative and effective - enough to let the audience understand the theme of the film 'love'. The audience can recognise happiness and saddness is involved, following the conventions and themes to a successful bollywood movie.
This is a film about a journey from engagement to marriage. The film concers true love from an arranged marraige and the couples commitment to each other.
The trailer is a fairly short, one with diolouge to emphasis the romance of the movie. The male actor declares his love to his fiancee and tells her how she is set in his heart and how he is the fortunate one to gain her love.
As the music begins the audience recognises the conventions of bollywood as dance and romance is reinforced in the movie, attracting them to watch the movie.
This movie follows the typical bollywood narrative of romance however differs as one of the lovers are blind.
The introduction of the cast is very effective, as they are shown and then their name in text appears to reinforce the standards of the film ( being very high, having successful actors). The actors are also shown to appeal to their fans, being shown first, as they are relied on more than the producers (as they are shown after), eventhough they are one of the best in Bollywood- emphasising the importance of the cast.
The trailer yet again features high angle shots, to show the big atmosphere also low angle shots. Cuts and dissolves are used throughout the trailer, along with a narrative voice by the actress to make the trailer more emotive.
'Coming Soon' is then featured, making the audience eager to await for the relaese date and to go watch the movie.
The introduction and the end of this trailer is similar to what we want to achieve, naming out characters, along with the producers and the upcoming date of when the film will be released.
Saturday, 3 February 2007
this trailer is from kabhi alvida na kehna. It is based on relationships and love. This my favourite trailer and contains loads of different shots make the trailer really good and overall the whole trailer creates an enigma. you begin to wonder how the story ends and why certain things are happening in the trailer.
a popular shot used in this trailer is close ups the reason they are used loads of times is to show facial expression and emotion and since this film is all about different emotions it would be affective to use close ups. there are close ups for the sad scenes the anger and love. the close ups really give the trailer a hard hitting impact leaving the audience curious.
the trailer uses medium and long shots to get scenery in the background as they show importance.
the sound is contrapuntal as it can be used in scenes of sadness and happiness. the music is very emotional. the music gets fast paced as the trailer progresses. when the trailer shows scenes of anger or when something wrong happens thunder sounds are played in the background which represent a bad situation. this is called pathetic fallacy.
This is a trailer from kaho naa pyaar hai. this trailer is long compared to normal trailers and has loads of different shots from different scenes. three different songs play in this trailer.
close ups are used here to show how much in love the girl is with the guy. with know she is in love because of the close up if her eyes looking all dreamy. there are quite a few action scenes in the trailer although this is a love film but we instantly know there is an obstacle they have to overcome they are fighting for each others love.
this trailer contains a lot of dance scenes which is typical of a bollywood trailer.
But in general this trailer is colourful with different scenerys such as snow, grass and mountains all which make the trailer persuasive to watch.
this trailer will help us because has some car scenes in there which will help us when we do our car scene. And it also contains some park scenes which look good.
OK so this my a trailer from kuch kuch hota hai my favourite film of all time (not because it has shahrukh khan in it OK just little bit though.). this trailer has everything to make a trailer good and make the audience want to see it. which is why it has been a very successful and popular film.
this trailer has scenes of sadness and happiness and brings them altogether. the theme of friendship is emphasized throughout the whole trailer and how love can grow from friends to lovers. there is so much colour in this trailer and i like the idea of the heart balloons.
the shots in this trailer are more medium and long shots these still get the point of emotions across however the background is more important and there costumes. there is a scene where kajol and a whole load of people are wearing brightly coloured saris and this represents happiness. another scene which portrays happiness is kajol and shahrukh dancing happily in yellow flowers. a scene where sadness is shown is when kajol is sitting in cave crying, the cave is dark and represents being sad and lonely.
Friday, 2 February 2007
Analysis of Trailers-Homework
This is a trailer from Kal Ho Naa Ho. The narrative involves two guys who fall in love with one girl which is quite similar to the trailer we intend to create. This trailer is fairly short and only looks at one song within the whole film. I decided to add this trailer because it fits bollywood conventions as it shows colour and dancing which is popular in the bollywood industry. Finally, towards the end of the trailer the title of the film appears on the screen so the audience are aware of what the film is called. However, one criticism of this trailer is that it does not give the audience an idea of what the film is about as it only shows one song.
This trailer has been taken from Veer Zaara a film about a man and a women who fall in love with each other however can not be together because of their culture and religious backgrounds. The trailer follows typical conventions of Bollywood trailers. Firstly, the audience are introduced straight away to the main characters as they are both in the song which is being played. Secondly, the directors, singers and producers names all appear on the bottom of the screen which is important as this is a key aspect of bollywood and some people may view the film because of the playback singers. Also, the title of the film is revealed towards the end of the trailer and the third character is introduced to the audience who is walking into a room whilst opening the doors this is a good techniques as it causes an enigma as the audience will want to know what is the relevance of this particular character. Finally, the final shot on screen is the instituion which in this case is yash raj films.
This trailer is from a film called Hum Dil De Chuke Sanam. This particular trailer last for 2 minutes which is surprisingly longer compared to previous trailers i have looked at. At the beginning of thr trailer the institution appears on the screen with music playing in the background. Then the two main characters appear on the screen in a dance sequence again only some scences from the dance have been chosen to be included in the trailer. This is a unique trailer because it includes scenes of dialogue which takes place in the film a series of different scences including different characters have been included. During the trailer there are various shots being used including close up, high angle and low angle which make the trailer more realistic. Finally it ends with the title of the film which is a powerful technique as this will be the first thing the audience remembers.
Thursday, 1 February 2007

- been around for 21 years
- are a diversified group with $ 90 million in our core business of Consumer Electronics, CD’s, Audio/Video Magnetic tapes and cassettes.
- 42 Hindi Films on the floor for which T-Series holds the Audio / Video copyright.
- T-Series counts among the biggest film releases for 2004,2005 & 2006.
- Big banner films production and theatrical distribution.
- Merchandising & Big budget promotions.
- 1,482 exclusively signed artists.
- 35,000 + Audio titles.
2,000 Video titles. - Hindi film music – 5,800 Film / Combination titles.
- Extensive captive talent pool of authors, composers and performance artists – Himesh Reshammiya, Adnan Sami, Jagjit Singh, Lata Mangeshkar, Asha Bhosle, Abhijeet, Sonu Nigam, Udit Narayan, Pankaj Udhas, Bombay Viking etc.
- New Titles of Music are added almost every day in our already existing vast catalogue.
- T-Series has been ranked as "India's No. 1 Music Company" by A.C. Nielsen-ORG-MAR.
- T-series has always been known for providing music to the audiences at the most affordable rates.
- T-series was one of the very few music company’s that gave a wide variety of music to the listeners ranging from devotional music to Bollywood film music and private albums to traditional folk.
- It was also one of the most successful labels in the markets.
- the T-Series has some of the biggest film albums under its label. Biggest music hits of recent times like Aashiq Banaya Aapne, Lucky - No Time For Love, Maine Pyar Kyun Kiya, Main Hoon Na, Tere Naam and also some of the biggest albums of this year like Don, Jaan-E- Mann, Salaam E Ishq, Babul, Umrao Jaan and many more, are all under the T-series label.
- Apart from Bollywood, T-series though grown much bigger today continues to promote traditional folk music and also support upcoming artists helping them come up with their private albums. Something which the music label has always been doing. And now, with the T-series becoming a Rs.450 crore worth company from a Rs.40 crore entity, thanks to Bhushan Kumar, T-series is taking over the music world in the India market.
AnJaLi & neelema !!!
'Dosti' trailer
This is the trailer of the film 'Dosti'. The film is about friendship/love. Trailer one is 44 seconds long, and trailer two is 29 seconds long. They both show a different side of the film, trailer one shows a more energetic side with loads of dance scenes. Trailer two is sadder as the songs are mostly love songs. Trailer two is more like ours because it is set outdoors as is our dance scene.
'Aitraaz' trailer:
The narrative of this movie is about a guy who is having an affair. One of these trailers advertise the songs the most. This is to help sell the movie. Tey are both colourful, we will try and make our trailer look colourful too. The trailer for this movie does not have the institution. There is a dance scene in the park, this is very similar to ours because our dance scene is also in the park.
Kirandeep Jheita
Monday, 29 January 2007
I had to wake up early aswell which was not happening! (but luckly i had alarm clock Neelema! who ended up coming late herself :) )
i personally learnt some things:
- firstly when recording make sure the tape in. LOL
- secondly make sure the battery is fully charged. (ZEB came to the rescue!!)
- thirdly because we went to the park it was well MUDDY! (so i shouldn't have worn ma boots) but our DIVA actress got her sari muddy (guess whos gotta pay for the dry cleaning??)
- THE WEATHER was cold and wet and slightly sunny lol. so the shooting didn't last long cause we was freezing( especially naziya bless her running round in a sari) :)
- but i pesonally learnt that to work effectly and to the best of abilty we should really not be messing but having a camera around you just can't help it LOL. don't worry we had neelema the grown up who told us off and we have footage of it HE HE !
- i also learnt that the camera is not a mirror and is for working purposes only LOL!
- FINALLY i learnt that the when shooting on locations to be aware of the surroundings like trucks and people in the shots.
I REGRET that i should have took my digital camera which would have been useful for putting on the blog and otha stuff.
AnJaLi xxx
Sunday, 28 January 2007
Day One!!!!
Friday, 26 January 2007
first shooting!
Thursday, 25 January 2007

Bollywood films are often long - three hours, with an intermission.
Bollywood films are full of musical dance sequences, colorful costumes and creative choreography.
Romance and love are important elements in Bollywood cinema. However, kissing is almost never shown on screen.
About 14 million Indian people go to the cinema everyday, and 4 billion cinema tickets are sold each year for Bollywood films (compared to 3 billion for Hollywood.)
Bollywood is a nickname referring to the Indian film industry. The 'B' comes from Bombay (now 'Mumbai') - a large city in India, and a base for the film industry.
Bollywood is the largest film industry in the world, making more than 1000 films each year - twice as many as Hollywood
By Baldip
Tuesday, 23 January 2007

This is a short preview to what bollywood is all about, it summarises bollwood tradition and what we are trying to achieve. It is clear to see how much dance and love dominates bollwood and how important it is. Obviously we can't get the great big settings they have, effecting the standards of the trailer but we are working around it to make our production as good, traditional and as unique as we can through finding the best locations in London and make it look as 'bollywood' as we can.
By Baldip
Thursday, 18 January 2007

Monday, 15 January 2007

The genre of this film is romance which is also the same genre as our Bollywood trailer; as there is an image of a rose which connotes love and passion. The two protangonist show that they love each other as they are holding each other tightly with security and compassion. There facial expressions.
Fate is the main theme which runs in our film which is, similar to this narrative as the tagline is 'its fate.'
Anjali & Neelema x x x nils said peace out!!!

-music directors, artist
Dance and music tend to dominate the trailers and sell the film, for exmaple the trailer of 'Aitraaz' is just playing all the different songs of the film
(trailer one)
*Kiran & Baldip*